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Crowd Safety

Crowd management is the make-or-break of every event. The safety of everyone at an event is an indicator of its success. There are several factors to consider when managing the crowd, such as their movements and their behaviours, be sure to consider every potential safety risk.

Risk assessments are vital in maintaining crowd safety, from identifying the risks to guests and staff, which can sometimes overlap, to creating plans to eliminate or reduce the risks.There are several hazards to keep in mind that affect crowd safety, and these include:

Guests and staff falling and trampled on;

Concession stands affect crowd movements and can lead to congestion at both event entrances and exits;

Crowd routes are poorly maintained;

The behaviour exhibited by guests poses a threat;

These are among the various hazards one must be ready for; different events may have dangers that are exclusive to them.

Creating a crowd management plan means making an audience profile; the profile depends on the event. For example, a concert will likely have a crowd that leans more to the younger side of the age range.

Research to make sure the profile you create is close to accurate as it can aid in crowd behaviour prediction and the precautions you must take to ensure safety.

A good crowd management plan should also consider the event location; and whether it is suitable for the crowd that will occupy the space. Is this an outdoor or indoor event? It will help determine how crowd management as an indoor event will have clear-cut boundaries that an outdoor event may not necessarily have. Does the venue provide immediate access to exits in case of an emergency? The crowd’s safety could be at risk when people rush to exit.

You must also consider the number of people attending the event. You cannot manage a crowd’s safety if you are understaffed, be sure to check the attendance by looking at advance ticket sales, pre-event registrations and previous attendance.

Once all the potential risks have been assessed and controlled to the best of your abilities. Review the management plan with those involved in the event. After the event, review the management plan once more. In case of any incidents, think about the changes you have to implement to ensure they do not happen in the future.


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